Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek's wedding to her fashionable fiance managed to draw in a sizeable celeb crowd over the weekend.

Famous fashion faces included Lily Cole and Anna Wintour among others, who were apparently told to adhere to a specific dress code.

According to The Cut, Salma and her hubby required their guests to wear one outfit for the ceremony, and change into a different one for the reception.

Good job the guest list included some of the world's richest and most influential people, otherwise they may have found this request a little too much to take, being that we're in a recession and all.

Salma chose to just wear the one outfit funnily enough, and looked stunning in a jewel incrusted Balenciaga dress, as she wed her PPR chief, François-Henri Pinault.

We wonder if her new hubby picked out her dress for the big day? After all, she has admitted to him styling her in the past for such big events!

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