Kelly Osbourne thinks she looks like a "teenage boy" when she wears minimal makeup.

Kelly Osbourne's 'teenage boy' Instagram post

Kelly Osbourne's 'teenage boy' Instagram post

The 31-year-old star has to wear a lot of cosmetic products for her TV work, such as her judging role on 'Australia's Got Talent', so she likes to give her skin a break when she has a day off.

However, Kelly thinks she resembles a young guy when she limits the beauty products, but also thinks her short purple hair might have something to do with it.

Posting a selfie on her Instagram account of her out and about in Los Angeles wearing a beanie hat, glass and little makeup, she posted: "Why is it that the less makeup I wear, the more I look like a teenage boy? #DontBlameItOnTheHair (sic)"

Kelly most like made the decision to wear a hat out to avoid a repeat of the bat poop attack she suffered earlier this month.

The TV personality was left stunned after one of the flying mammals humiliated her by covering her purple hair in its excrement - in what could have been a revenge attack made because her father Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off of a bat while on stage in January 1982 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Revealing the disgusting incident, Kelly posted on Instagram: "Walked down the street to @harrysfamouspies where a f***ing bat attacked me and s**t on my head! (sic)"