Blake Lively

Blake Lively

Blake Lively has revealed that she is excited about the space setting for her new movie Green Lantern.

The Gossip Girl star was in San Diego this weekend with Ryan Reynolds for Comic Con 2010 to promote the super hero movie, which is due for release next year.

Lively takes on the role of Carol Ferris in the film and admits that the space setting for the film is something that excites her.

Speaking to MTV News the actress said: "That's what's so nice about it.

"Superhero movies, [you're] either in a specific city on planet Earth, or in space. But the fact that you get to go back and forth [in Green Lantern] is a unique thing that you haven't seen in many movies."

She went on to say that she enjoyed the relationship between Ferris and Reynolds' character Hal Jordan: "She's [Jordan's] boss and she's also a fighter pilot," she said. "She's only second to him. They're the [top] two pilots in the world."

"So she's also his rival, and so it creates a really interesting dynamic and a cool tension."

While Lively has appeared in movies such as The Private Lives of Pippa Lee and New York, I Love You but this is her first big budget blockbuster movie.

She has also completed filming on Ben Affleck's latest directorial effort The Town, which also stars Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Hall and Chris Cooper.

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