Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy is set to play Doctor Strange in the new Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises.

The actor had been linked with the project, which would see him reunite with his Inception filmmaker Christopher Nolan, for some time - but his role was unknown.

police psychiatrist Doctor Strange is hired by Gotham City Police Department to use his skills to bring in the Batman he then uses hypnotherapy to turn officers into vigilantes in a bid to bring Batman out of hiding.

The Dark Knight Rises is the third, and thought to be final Batman, movie for director Nolan which will see Christian Bale reprise the role of Bruce Wayne.

The director has been auditioning a whole host of big name actresses to take on the leading lady role - but no announcement to the casting of that role has yet been made.

Hardy has enjoyed huge box office success this year as he starred in Nolan's summer smash Inception, that was one of the best movies of 2010.

The actor has already completed work on Warrior and is currently working on Tinker, tailor, Soldier, Spy and This Means War.

He has also been linked to Snow White and the Huntsman, which would see him work alongside Johnny Depp.

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