Taking viewers on a wild ride through the eyes of the wives and girlfriends of some of the hottest professional American athletes on the planet, WAGS is a great new E! reality series that really lifts the lid on life off the pitch or field etc., giving a no-holds-barred view of exactly what it takes to be a WAG.

Barbie Blank

Barbie Blank

We got the chance to chat to Barbie Blank who stars in the show, asking her just why viewers should tune into the series. Find out what she had to say below...

  1. Lots of hot bodies - once you tune in, you'll see there is no shortage of those! And lots of chances to see all the characters in different settings and fun scenarios with a range of emotions and looks from working out to the red carpet.
  2. Drama... drama... drama! Every episode you will get to see how in the WAG world there is a hierarchy and it starts with the girlfriends and ends up with the wives being at the top - everyone's ultimate goal is to be a wife! So you will see how basically the wives stick together and the girlfriends stay together; I'm kind of stuck in the middle and it shows that everyone has their own opinion in this world, of how we should and be portrayed and, as you can imagine, with seven different personalities, we are not always seeing eye to eye.
  3. You will get to see we all have our own careers outside of supporting our men in theirs - when you think of WAGS you automatically think everything is so glamorous and that we just sit at home and shop! But that's not the case with all of the women on this show; in fact, we showcase all the different things we have going on in our lives, and it's a lot.
  4. You get to see all of our significant others on the show which is different from other reality shows that are about athletes, because this show actually features our relationships on each episode and the ups and downs we go through in dating a professional athlete. We have our own struggles like every relationship and you see that the show is not just about drama between the girls.
  5. One of the best reasons to tune into WAGS on E! is that you will fall in love with all the characters and crazy antics that come from a mixture of such diverse and passionate people who are, when it's all said and done, just like you and me! Flawed and fabulous...

Barbie adds: "Another great plus of the show is that it shows you a lot of different areas of the country and the fun places the characters frequent - really great restaurants, stores and beautiful homes. You feel like you are there! So come travel the world with the WAGS!"

Need any more convincing? We doubt it! Check out WAGS on E! this week as it continues Tuesdays at 10pm.

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