Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon

Hotel tycoon, Donald Stern's daughter Naomi (Katie McGuiness) is getting married to wealthy American, Earl Archer (Michael Landes), and he wants her to have the best wedding possible. However with the wedding planner away, it's up to Emily and Anna to make it a success. Unfortunately Emily can't help getting drawn back into her old party ways and causes chaos on Naomi's hen night. It will certainly prove a wedding to remember.As a result of the society wedding, Charlie introduces a system ensuring that the team get an equal reward from the tips for having to pull out all the stops. Ben is deemed the most reliable and is entrusted with keeping a watch over this money. However, temptation gets the better of him.Meanwhile Brad Shelford, 'Weightloss guru' (Don Gilet) is staying at Babylon for his promotional book tour. He arrives with gorgeous blonde, Carla on his arm, and immediately Gino is envious of his perfect lifestyle, but is Brad as happy as he makes out?