EastEnders' Phil Mitchell is to be left "fighting for his life" after a bust up with an Albert Square resident.

Steve McFadden

Steve McFadden

The Walford warrior - who is played by Steve McFadden - is set to find himself in a serious situation in upcoming scenes after getting into a violent scrape.

A BBC source told The Sun newspaper: "Things have been bubbling for a while with those keeping secrets from Phil.

"With him oblivious to it all and looking forward to becoming a father and grandfather again, life couldn't be looking more perfect.

"But secrets never stay secret for long in Albert Square.

"As everything comes to a head, certain truths will be revealed, but others remain hidden - for now."

While it's not known who could fight Phil, there are a number of Walford residents keeping secrets from him, including Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) and Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean), who have been having an affair behind Phil's back.

Sharon recently discovered she is pregnant, leaving Phil delighted, but it's not yet known whether the baby is his or Keanu's.

Keanu has also been busy impregnating Phil's daughter Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper) in recent weeks, which left Phil furious at first and he suggested she have an abortion.

However, she didn't go through with it.

Phil has been involved in his fair share of scrapes since Steve joined the soap in 1990, including going up against Den Watts (Leslie Grantham) and brawling with his brother Grant Mitchell (Ross Kemp), after Sharon cheated on Grant with Phil.