EastEnders' Sharon Mitchell is set to discover she is pregnant with Keanu Taylor's baby.

Keanu and Sharon

Keanu and Sharon

The Walford matriarch - played by Albert Square legend Letitia Dean - will find out she is expecting next month, just weeks after she got jiggy with the muscly mechanic (Danny Walters), which will leave her hardman husband and Keanu's boss Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) in a furious rage.

A soap source said: "'EastEnders' are putting Phil and Sharon back at the heart of the show.

"In a shock twist next month Sharon discovers she's pregnant. But there's gonna be a 'who's the daddy?' dilemma cos she romped with her toyboy lover Keanu last week so is he the dad or is Phil?

"Having discovered she's pregnant Phil excitedly tells everyone their news, much to Sharon's horror as she doesn't know for sure who the dad is."

Keanu has also been busy impregnating Phil's daughter Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper) in recent weeks, meaning furious Phil will be even more infuriated when he finds out about the double pregnancy shock.

The source said: "Phil will go on a bloody rampage when he learns the truth, especially as Keanu has also got Phil's daughter Louise pregnant. The randy lothario has knocked up Phil's wife and his daughter."

While the shock storyline looks set to result in Phil going berserk for the umpteenth time in Walford, the plot will also focus on the serious subject of Sharon becoming pregnant aged 48 and the complications which arise.

The source added to The Sun's Bizarre TV column: "It will also raise the question of Sharon having a pregnancy so late in life and the complications that come with that."

Keanu and Sharon embarked on an affair last year - resulting in soap super-fans dubbing their romance Sheanu - but things had cooled recently, until they got it on again earlier this month in The Arches, where he works under boss Phil.