Ricky Champ's daughter's favourite 'EastEnders' character is Phil Mitchell.

Ricky Champ

Ricky Champ

The 39-year-old soap star - who has two-year-old girl Beatrix with his wife Samantha - jokingly branded his child "Judas" after she picked Steve McFadden's Albert Square villain over her dad's alter-ego Stuart Highway.

In an adorable video posted on Twitter, Ricky asks his daughter who her favourite on the soap is, and without hesitation she replied: "Phil Mitchell."

The actor's wife can be heard laughing in the background as he looks less than impressed, questioning the answer before it gets reiterated.

He grimaced: "Phil Mitchell."

Ricky joined the BBC soap's cast back in 2018, and he previously explained that people are generally quite nice to him even though they don't always like his character.

He said: "The vast majority of people, if they're fans of the show, are really lovely. They shake your hand, have a photo and say how much they're enjoying it. They're like, 'OMG, I hate you', but it's a nice 'I hate you.'

"It's been very interesting. I've tasted a bit of fame doing other TV shows, but nothing at all like this, nothing on the scale of this."

Ricky - who once revealed viewers had been berating him in his local supermarket for his character's behaviour - has also opened up in the past about how his family help him cope with playing such a dark person.

He admitted: "I cope with it well actually. Accessing parts of yourself you don't normally go to is very interesting to me. It doesn't leave any long lasting damage.

"I'm quite healthy in my mind, I've got a beautiful family at home and I'm very balanced in my life. I'm very thankful for that."

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