Julie Hesmondhalgh and David Neilson

Julie Hesmondhalgh and David Neilson

Roy Cropper will go missing in Coronation Street.

The cafe owner - who is played by David Neilson - sparks a massive man hunt in January after he flees the cobbles following the death of his wife Hayley Cropper (Julie Hesmondhalgh).

Hayley will tragically lose her battle with pancreatic cancer in the new year, which promises a "tear-jerking" exit for Julie, but as Roy struggles to deal with his loss, he shuts down and turns his back on his Weatherfield pals.

A source told Soap Squawk: "Roy's world collapses when Hayley dies. Obviously he knew it was going to happen but he wasn't prepared for the devastating darkness that engulfs him. Hayley was his wife, he just doesn't known how to function without her.

"Everyone tries to rally round him but Roy just shuts down and they are seriously worries when he goes missing."

Julie - who has played Hayley since 1998 - recently admitted she was overcome with emotion after filming her final few scenes on the cobbles and is now going on holiday for a few days to get over her exit.

She took to Twitter, writing: "Thank you Corrie for amazing send off yesterday. And thanks for all your lovely messages on here. I can't bear it! Away for few days now xx (sic)"

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