Mandy has just woken up in a bed that certainly doesn't belong to her fiancé and she doesn't remember how she got there. If only she realised that it was all down to the drugs slipped into her drink and not the amount of Jacob's Creek she'd managed to quaff. "This was a one-off, OK?" she croaks, as Ethan sits up in bed and gives her what's known in the trade as a sh*t-eating grin. "I don't want to see you again", she finishes, before flouncing home to Peter and telling him that she stayed in a hotel the night before. "You look like you didn't get much sleep", says Kelli, knowing full well that Mandy just spent the last eight hours playing pony rides with her boyfriend. The situation fails to improve when Mandy discovers that Ethan took photos of them in flagrante and is threatening to send them to Peter unless she does his bidding. His bidding, thanks for asking, is stealing morphine from the hospital - which is the last thing she was expecting. (Us too.) "I don't need you to understand it, Amanda", he growls. "I just need you to do it." To prove he means business, he sends a copy of the pictures to Peter - which Amanda only just manages to intercept. As far as Kelli is concerned, her plan to exact revenge on her sister is coming along very nicely indeed. But how many more tricks are up her sleeve?Luc here, If you've noticed a distinct lack of young blond men walking around Summer Bay with their shirts off for absolutely no reason - and quite frankly, haven't we all - you'll be glad to know that Lucas makes his return to the show today. Belle is equally pleased, but Irene wonders who she's trying to kid. After all, she wants a piece of Drew like Amy Winehouse wants a vodka and tonic - and this is demonstrated in the face she pulls when she spots Drew and his new girlfriend slurping away at each other. Things are equally hot and heavy between her and Lucas when they finally reunite, but he soon puts a dampener on things. He forces her down to the Surf Club for a few games of pool with - you guessed it - Drew and Lisa, and this turns out to be as awkward as it is silly (as if any teenage boy in history has gladly passed up a snogging session for the chance to pot the white).

That evening, when they return home, Lucas gives Belle a CD that he made for her while he was away. Unfortunately, it includes Tammin Sursok's debut single and will therefore never be listened to.

As Belle embraces Lucas, it's clear that her thoughts are with Drew. Meanwhile, as Drew and Lisa snuggle up, his expression indicates that he too is thinking about Belle. What will become of the star-crossed lovers?

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