With Ric's trial only a day away, everybody is doing their best to remain positive. This is no mean feat, mind you, as the chances of him walking free are Lily Cole-slim. Or are they? Well, as Cassie and Matilda try to distract Ric from his impending incarceration with some bright colours and loud noises, his mobile rings. "It's about Rocco", whispers a husky voice. (Not Ailsa's.) "I know who killed him. How soon can we meet?" Ric picks his jaw up off the floor and explains to the girls that somebody named Mick is coming over to give them some information. And when he arrives, Mick explains he used to be a part of Johnny's gang - even though he looks more like a coach driver - and was present when Dave Carson, another gang member, did the deed. Ric can't believe what he's hearing, but Mick declines Ric's request to testify in court. Instead, he wants an air ticket so he can make his escape in case Johnny finds out he's dobbed. Oh, and three grand would sweeten the deal nicely. "What if he doesn't keep his word?" Cassie asks. "I'm in too deep not to take this chance", Ric solemnly replies. But is he about to be had?Hospital drama, The blackmailing continues as Amanda realises that there's no escaping Ethan's demand for her to steal drugs from the hospital. But how will she do it? "You're a clever little thing Amanda", he sneers. "You figure it out." Although she's nervous as hell, Amanda causes a stir to distract the hospital staff before stealing the keys to the supplies room. Checking the coast is clear, Amanda stuffs the morphine into her bra (possibly with a good few Mogadon for her own personal use) before making a quick exit. Later, she hands over her booty to Ethan, glad that this is the end of it. However, Ethan makes it clear that this is only the first of many more demands to come. There's only one thing for it, and that's for Amanda to come clean to Peter about her dangerous liaison. However, when he arrives home, she doesn't have the heart. "For a moment I thought you were going to tell me something awful", Peter smiles. Mandy smiles back. "As if I'd ever do a thing like that..."

Taking the Mick, Ric frantically fills Sally and company in on the latest developments. They, too, are sceptical and don't want Ric to get his hopes up. But Ric is blinkered in his determination and manages to convince Alf to at least meet Mick at the Surf Club.

After all, he could be his one and only hope of proving his innocence. However, when Ric approaches, Mick stares at him blankly and pretends that he's never seen him before in his life. "Whatever your problem is," he oozes, "it's got nothing to do with me."

Mick then makes his exit, but not before whispering that Johnny wishes him luck for the trial tomorrow. Ric is furious that he's had his hopes raised only for them to be dashed. Once again, it's almost certain that he'll be going down for a crime he didn't commit.

That evening it all gets too much for Matilda, who breaks down in tears as Ric takes her in his arms. "I'm always going to be here for you" he whispers. But is it a promise he'll be able to keep?

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