While Summer Bay has seen its fair share of trials and tribulations recently, there’s finally some good news for one of its residents. Lucas receives word from a publisher that they’re interested in his book; better yet, they cement their interest by offering him an advance. Naturally, Tony is overflowing with pride at the prospect of his son becoming a renowned author and decides that, by way of celebration, a boat trip to the Blaxland is in order, with Belle, Drew, Geoff and an expected guest (more on that later) all ready to join in the fun. Admittedly, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Geoff’s presence may be likely to cause a few problems – his time at the Holden house hasn’t exactly been conflict-free, after all – but it seems that this is a trip destined to bring out the best in everyone. With Lucas willing to help Geoff out of a much-too-literal tangle as he gets to grips with fishing, the two of them finally seem to be building bridges. And theirs isn’t the only relationship in the spotlight…Acting the part“Today’s the day,” Jazz promises Dane, in yet another of their hushed-up telephone conversations. But just what exactly does she have planned? All becomes clear when Drew, still in mourning for his burnt-out car and the loss of his job, makes his entrance and Jazz immediately turns on the charm, willing to pander to his every whim if only it means getting to spend some time with him. Fortunately for anyone not exactly relishing the thought of watching the pair of them play pool all day, it’s not long before something better comes along, with Drew struggling to resist Luc’s invite to hang out at the Blaxland and Jazz going for the “plus one” option. And while ex-flame Tony may not have been banking on there being any gatecrashers, the unlikely couple are soon back to flirting outrageously over a glass of wine, joining Summer Bay’s teens in having a good time. “I don’t think it could have worked out any better,” Jazz says, as she and Tony reflect on the day’s successes. And, well, she may just be right. With Drew having exchanged his complaints about his mother’s clingy behaviour for an offer for her to join him in playing a pool tie-breaker, their relationship seems to be stronger than ever – so when better for Jazz to put her mysterious plan into action? That’s right; she finally decides to come clean about her mother’s death, opting to evade the truth somewhat by claiming she’s only just had the call from the nursing home. “It actually happened a few months ago. It’s taken them this long to track me down,” she says, as Drew offers her a shoulder on which to feign tears. But will her show-stopping performance be enough to win her a share of the inheritance?

Seeking counsel

“I’m the lucky one; believe me,” Sam tells Julie, as she gushes over her engagement and reveals her lunchtime plans to pick up the perfect pair of engagement rings from a shop in Yabbie Creek. But she’s not the only one going that way for an appointment. Jack has managed to convince a predictably hung-over Martha that they need to get to the solicitors to get things moving with the divorce – and, as chance would have it, their meeting happens to coincide with Sam’s lunch hour.

If she thought seeing the pair of them together was enough of a shock for one day, there’s far worse news to come. Unbeknownst to her, it turns out that Martha and Jack aren’t eligible for a divorce without undergoing the lengthy process of seeking special permission from the court; else, having been married less than two years, they’re required to undergo marriage counselling before they can proceed. “We’re not trying to save the marriage; we’re trying to get out of it,” Jack snaps, as tempers flare between him and Martha. (If only the court could see them now, we’re sure this whole counselling charade would be well and truly off the table.)

Still, it’s enough for him to realise that he’d be better off letting Sam in on his dirty little secret rather than risk her working it out any other way. “That’s good, but she’s going to hate me when she finds out we’re still married,” Martha replies, as the pair later attempt a more civilised discussion at the Surf Club. Of course, there are usually consequences to choosing such a public setting for delicate conversations – and they often involve the subject walking in at the most inopportune moment. Just ask Sam, whose excitement over her engagement is crushed in an instant when a chance visit to the Surf Club sees her finding out that her fiancé is still someone else’s husband. The day’s events leave her so preoccupied that, having finished her night shift at the hospital, she ignores advice to allow security to escort her to car – with terrifying consequences. Even though a security guard steps in at just the right moment, she can’t help but wonder: were those footsteps she heard a sign that the Bay’s attacker ready to strike again?

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