Over 6,000 people have taken out alien abduction insurance policies.

Bizarre on Female First

Bizarre on Female First

Following the viral Facebook campaign, 'Storm Area 51: They Can't Stop All Of Us, which claims to raid the top-secret military base in Nevada in September, Mike St Lawrence, from Altamonte Springs in Florida, is offering clients the opportunity to get a pay out of $10 million (£8,076,850) if they are abducted by aliens and have a signature from a real-life extra-terrestrial.

According to the website, the bizarre policy includes ''outpatient psychiatric care, sarcasm coverage, and double identity coverage.''

Mike told Fox35: ''I don't want to try to rip somebody off.

''The people that come to me, If I think they don't understand the terms and conditions, that this is tongue in cheek, I won't sell it to them.''