Bacon sandwiches lower the risk of dementia.

Bacon sandwiches stave off dementia

Bacon sandwiches stave off dementia

A new study has revealed that older adults with higher levels of triglyceride fats - found in the breakfast favourite - were 18 per cent less likely to suffer a decline in cognitive abilities.

Experts studied 86,000 adults over the age of 65 in the UK, US and Australia over a period of 12-and-a-half years and discovered that 2,778 developed dementia.

However, those with triglyceride levels in the "normal to high-normal range" had a lower dementia risk.

Dr. Zhen Zhou, of Monash University in Melbourne, said: "Higher triglyceride levels may be reflective of better health and lifestyle behaviours that would protect against dementia.

"Triglyceride levels may serve as a predictor for dementia risk. Future studies are needed to investigate whether specific components within triglycerides may promote better cognitive function."