Dolphins talk like Kim Kardashian when they are hunting fish.

Dolphins adopt the tones of Kim Kardashian when hunting fish

Dolphins adopt the tones of Kim Kardashian when hunting fish

New research has found that the aquatic animals use the 'vocal fry' register as the low sounds help them find, track and catch their prey.

In humans, the speech technique produces the lowest sounds by elongating syllables and the register is also used by the singer Katy Perry and actress Scarlett Johansson.

The drawl is common in California and has become known around the world due to the US cultural influences.

Professor Coen Elemans, of the University of Southern Denmark, said: "Vocal fry is a normal voice register that is often used in American English. Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and Scarlett Johansson are well-known people using this register."

The 'vocal fry' technique can do damage to women's voices but the expert says the opposite is true for sea creatures.

Professor Elemans said: "While 'vocal fry' may be controversial in humans and may be perceived as everything from annoying to authoritative, it made toothed whales an evolutionary success story."