A good night's sleep makes a person more generous.

People are more generous when they have slept well

People are more generous when they have slept well

Scientists in Switzerland have uncovered a link between quality of rest and 'prosocial behaviour' – actions taken by individuals to benefit others.

54 adults were recruited to take part in a game where they were given points equating to money and were asked to choose if they wanted to keep it for themselves or contribute some to the 'public good'.

The brain activity of the participants was recorded during a typical night of sleep and those who enjoyed deeper sleep were more likely to donate the money.

This is because the activity is recorded in the right temporal lobe, which is connected to thinking about others.

The team from the University of Bern wrote in the Journal of Neuroscience: "Prosocial behaviour is of vital importance for holding our society together.

"These findings contribute to the emerging framework explaining the link between sleep and prosocial behaviour by shedding light on the underlying mechanisms."