Obsessing over your phone could ruin your marriage.

Looking at your phone can ruin marriages

Looking at your phone can ruin marriages

A new study conducted into the effects of 'phubbing', snubbing others to scroll on the phone, found that married couples who engage in the habit have lower levels of relationship satisfaction.

Scientists at Nigde Omer Halisdemir University in Turkey explained that the phubbing phenomenon is "widely observed everywhere in today's technologically advanced societies".

In the study, researchers enlisted 712 married people and surveyed them on their marriage satisfaction and phubbing habits.

Izzet Parmaksiz, lead author of the study, said: "Our research demonstrates the power of effective communication, especially among romantic couples.

"Marital conflict mainly occurs when people are ignored by those they value, and this ignorance leads to lower relationship satisfaction and may impact personal wellbeing.

"People should be mindful about being present with their loved ones to show they care, and put their phone away."