A leading NASA scientist is certain that alien life exists.

A top scientist expects alien life to be found

A top scientist expects alien life to be found

Dr. Michelle Thaller works for the US space agency's Goddard Space Flight Center and thinks that it is just a matter of time before extraterrestrial life is discovered.

She told The Sun: "I definitely think we'll find life on another planet.

"I think that in our own Solar System, we're quite close to it but once again we don't have that 100 per cent thing."

Mars has often been pinpointed as a home for aliens but Dr. Thaller is optimistic about discovering other lifeforms on Venus instead.

She explained: "We see possible signs of life in the atmosphere of Venus.

"Possibly underneath the ice in the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

"The Solar System may be teaming with simple life, microbial life.

"We just have to get that 100 per cent certainty to say that we found it and we don't have that yet."