College offers zombie course

College offers zombie course

''I never expected to be recording lecture videos where I'm talking about decapitating people in my mathematics lecture.''

A college is offering a course that teaches you how to survive a fictional zombie apocalypse.

The University of California Irvine is offering the lessons after four of the educational facility's lecturers were inspired by TV show 'The Walking Dead', so they came up with the 'Society, Science, Survival: Lessons from AMC's The Walking Dead' course.

Students enrolling in the course will be taught how to manage their stress levels in disaster situations and how best to deal with their energy and momentum.

Sarah Eichorn, a mathematics lecturer, is quoted by the Daily Mirror newspaper as saying: ''There's kind of something for everyone in the class. I think for all four of us, it's an opportunity to get students interested and aware in our fields.

''I never expected to be recording lecture videos where I'm talking about decapitating people in my mathematics lecture.''

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