Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan

Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan has been slammed in the media for revealing in his blog that he sleeps with a gun under his pillow.

The Indian press is not happy with Amitabh for promoting guns and saying he has lost faith in the system.

Amitabh has responded though saying: "The act of pulling out my revolver is a symbolic metaphor, a figure of speech, to demonstrate my complete loss of faith in the system and in the governance, in providing me, a citizen of India, with my rightful sense of security."

He added: "I keep my security according to my own assessment of my vulnerability. When you will wear my shoes, and I do hope that you do one day, you shall also be subjected to the kind of vulnerability that I and many others like me face each day."

"Perhaps then you will be better placed to appreciate the hollowness of your accusation."