Size Zero For Koena

Size Zero For Koena

Producers originally wanted to dub Koena Mitra's voice, for the international release of her lastest movie Karna, but in an about turn for her next film she has been asked to learn a British accent to speak in her own voice.For Karna, Koena has taken up a training schedule to give her the physique of an athlete, this is another about turn for Bollywood as female leads are usually curvy rather than toned.Koena told the press that because of her traing regime her weight lose has taken her BMI down to 15 percent body fat, giving her a well toned slightly muscular look.Koena's physique though fits her role for her all action male bashing role in Karna. Mitra has trained especially hard as she is the the only woman in an otherwise all male cast, she is required to produce the kind of action usually presrved for male actors in Bollywood films.Karna is a film with more of a western feel to it than the usual productions as Bollywood broadens it's worldwide appeal Koena other requirment of learning a British accent has been brought about because the new generation on Bollywood productions are filmed in sync sound and as such dubbing is all but impossible.The film will be shot in six countries including Hong Kong and China. Koena though has voiced her doubt as to whether Bollywood is ready for fighting Lara Croft style female heroines, but she is looking foward to being the first Bollywood actress to beat the boys.

All that said its sure to be a success in the UK and the U.S.