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"So, everyone continues to believe in his own saints, right? "

"Well, I would refer to them more as opinions, standings... "

"You mean, everyone continues to believe in their own beliefs ... regardless of how justified they are... "

"With all due respect... I value your views, but support my own. "

"Haaaa ... so what you’re saying is, you will hear me out, but it would be a monologue in the wind, a whisper in the air, a breath on a cold winter morning which leaves a trace only while breathing? "

"I say that I will take into account only the things that are to my benefit, and are reasonable enough to implement. "

"As I understand it, you are against my intuition, as opposed to your rationale."

"I would say I am more cautious than against."

"You fear, perhaps ... or have skepticism in the correctness of the intention."

"I doubt inexact acts, so I put them on review."

"You used to benefit from my intuitive, deep sensory feelings, when it was a matter of life and death, if I may say so... "

"Of course, you're right, but that does not give me freedom to always rely on your suggestions that are, and I will emphasize, subject to assumptions... "

"Ahh ... you vain, conceited, stubborn, rigid ... "

"A typical conclusion of your affective character... "

Marta Markoska, born June 29th 1981, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Graduated the Department of Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” - Skopje.

Holds a Masters degree in Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, from The Institute for Macedonian Literature - Skopje.

Markoska is a member of Association of Writers in Macedonia, and in the field of literature, she has published three books: a collection of poems entitled All Tributaries Flow Into My Basin (2009), a collection of short stories entitled Whirlpool in Bethlehem (2010) and collection of essays entitled Hyper Hypotheses (2011).

Marta Markoska is also represented in two Anthologies: Wind brings fine weather (June, 2012) and the latest Anthology of Macedonian Contemporary Short Story (March, 2012).

Her scientific studies and other articles (movie reviews, stories and poems, research papers and comments) were published in scientific journals Context and Cultural Life, in the magazines for Literature and Culture ACT and Pillar, in the electronic literary contest Electrolyte, in magazines Margin and Literary Hagiography, in text collections: Elite and Mass Culture and Rendering.

Marta’s short stories have also appeared in the Collections of Poetry and Short Stories of Young People from Former Yugoslavia (2007 and 2008).

Her movie reviews and texts in the field of culture and modern cultural currents have been published on several Macedonian web pages.

Marta Markoska is simultaneously active on the music scene (both home and abroad), as a percussionist / band leader in the jazz band “Josephine's Suspenders”.

She also directed and produced 2 theatrical multimedia performances, and worked on several documentaries, as a music illustrator.

In her free time, she handcrafts icons in the “wood and wax” technique. Most of her work is being donated to churches and monasteries throughout Macedonia.