The sea is calling me.

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In my world of cell phones I can’t escape,

too many emails to answer,

the blah, blah, blah of a million different voices,

always, always,

there’s a private room in my mind called “memory.”

Filled with sand, salty breezes and seashells,

where seagulls cry above me,

and whispering waves kiss my toes.

The sea is calling me.

I pick up a shell,

hold it to my ear

and listen to what the ocean tells me.



Jan Morrill’s debut novel, THE RED KIMONO, will be published by the University of Arkansas Press in the Spring of 2013. Her award-winning short stories and memoir essays have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul books and several anthologies

Her two children grown, Jan lives on a farm her husband, two dogs, two cats, five chickens and one lucky rooster.