
Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First


That's a big word, or at least long.

Do I hear you scoff; "that's ridiculous;

you pinched it from a song"?

Yes, you're right; no, you're wrong;

the word word was officially added

to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1986

It makes an interesting point.

Words become popular by use;

they are drained of meaning by abuse.

This being, arguably, the same process.

What of the big words, the words we profess

to value and understand; the words kidnapped

by politico-religious cant; that crowds chant

enthusiastically and vigourously , blind the to fact

that what they are being fed are remote, distant

from what they mean. It is not merely original use

to which I refer; it is the refinement of philosophy

and experience over time: worthy tomes are no excuse

to abandon substance and meaning for casual villainy.

Lost, confused; have no idea what I mean?

What are the "big words" to which I refer?

How about, "Love", "Justice", Beauty", "Truth";

and seeming to be increasingly under attack, "Democracy"?

Make words up, if you wish; De Chardin did;

his had meaning, historicity and tradition.

Call a black kettle white; all dictators do.

Scoff at the pedantic, those whine and complain

about the misuse of words. You are the fool, not them.

In the art and act of communication there defines:

red is red, black is black, injustice is an injustice;

a mistruth is a mistruth Maintain the struggle. Do not resign.

Ruthless suppression of dissent is not "justice".

Systematic dissemination of propaganda is not "truth".

Talking about words, let me try something precocious


Make sense?

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