There’re a few fun things (other things not mentioned in the fancy-schmancy bio on the back of my books) I’d like my readers to know about me:

The Death of Mungo Blackwell

The Death of Mungo Blackwell

I am a skilled cabinet climber.

I’m quite proud of my skills in cabinet climbing. Towering just shy of five feet, top shelves and cabinets aren’t always accessible. Sure, I could grab a step stool, ladder or even a nearby chair, but why bother when I can just hoist my knee up on the countertop and push myself up. I’m forty-two years young and still climbing! That top shelf is no match for me! Confession: I have been known to stand on the shopping cart to get what I need at the grocery store. I’m not sure heaving myself up on a shelf of tomato sauce would be a very good idea.

I am practically a ninja.

I have a black belt in Taekwondo. But to clarify, I tested for it seventeen years ago. People often ask if I can still “do it”, you know, if I were suddenly attacked in a dark alley would I be able to defend myself. I don’t frequent many dark alleys, nor do I find myself in situations where I would be alone and in any kind of proximity to dark alleys. But I know what they’re asking, and the answer is yes! I might not remember all the techniques, and I sure wouldn’t win any awards for execution, however I do have the confidence to give it all I’ve got, to defend myself with every punch, kick, and jab I have in me. I think it’s kind of like riding a bike—once you know you can do it, you just know.

I am a former homeschool mom.

I have ten years under my belt as a homeschooling mother of two. It wasn’t what I set out to do (especially as a former public teacher), but it was the best fit for our family at the time, and I don’t regret a day of it. We spent a lot of time learning by experience, traveling, tasting foods, and studying outside. But then my oldest started talking about school, like traditional-away-from-the-house school. And then my youngest thought it might be a good idea as well. The decision to send my kiddos to school wasn’t really a hard one… actually it was harder on me than them—the house is way too quiet now. But they love it, absolutely love it! So now I just have to try and teach our dog, Brutus, how to carry on a proper conversation.

I have a secret obsession with pirates.

I guess it’s not really a secret if I’m tossing it out there to the readers. But I love pirates, totally fascinated by them. In fact, if I didn’t have to plunder, steal, and run the scallywags through, I think I would make an absolutely lovely pirate. I’m always up for a pirate movie and openly claim the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World my most favorite! I have a work in progress that’s allowing me to delve into the pirate realm a bit more—sigh… happy place.

I’m totally inspired by Paddington.

Yes, the bear. And more so the movie. What a beautiful and absolutely lovely film. I was familiar with the book, but it was the film I fell in love with. It is a delightful story of family, told in such a whimsical and colorful way. As I was watching the film for the first time, I knew I wanted to create something just as lovely, something that after people read it they thought… what a lovely place to dwell—no politics or hidden agendas, just a really good story that makes the readers smile. So, the voice, the overarching lighthearted tone of The Death of Mungo Blackwell, was born of a bear named Paddington. And now I’m suddenly craving marmalade.

I want to live in a Hobbit hole.

Who doesn’t! I adore nooks and cozy small spaces. As a little girl I would clear out space in my closet, toss in a couple of pillows and drag my lamp inside just to have my Hobbit hole. My husband and I at one point in time dabbled with the idea of buying an Earth ship (if you don’t know what it is, look it up… fascinating). But, let me be completely honest, I think I would kill my self-sustaining home in less time than it took to build it. I can’t keep anything alive, let alone an entire home. But it would be really fun to try! Maybe one day…

I rarely feel like a grown-up.

I’m not sure that I’ve ever really had a moment where I thought, “Oh, so this is what adulting feels like.” Because even during my most adult-ish moments—childbirth, mothering, marriage, buying a home, losing our home, loss of a parent, flat tire, laundry… I still feel little. Being so short could have something to do with it or maybe that I live in a constant state of imagination as a writer, my brain a bit detached from reality at almost all moments of the day. It used to bother me, wondering when I would finally feel like a grown woman, but I’ve finally accepted it, owned the wonder and my childlike spirit, embracing it to tell tall tales of a man who sailed with pirates and married the maharajah’s daughter.

THE DEATH OF MUNGO BLACKWELL is published by Lion Hudson on 26th November 2019, priced £8.99