Sarah Davis’ experiences as a first time mum inspired her debut poetry book, Baby Daze. Sarah wrote the poems quite spontaneously while up for the 3am feeds and after several weeks she had a finished collection. Here, Sarah shares the top 10 things she’s learnt from motherhood:

Baby Daze

Baby Daze

Nobody can prepare you for the intensity of your feelings towards your child.

‘The gripping of my finger with your tiny little hand'                                                     

'The feelings and emotions only parents understand’

Motherhood is a massive learning curve. There are more ‘phases’ of development than you could ever imagine possible! Just as you get used to dealing with one phase they are on to the next!

Nobody comes to visit a tidy house – they come to see the baby and you. When your baby is napping use the time to rest and re-charge your batteries.

Everyone has advice for new mums – and it’s often conflicting! Trust your instincts. In my poem ‘Health Visitors’ I wrote:

‘Though guidelines should be followed                                                                                  

We develop our own instincts                                                                                           

And we soon learn what it takes                                                                                          

And we soon learn what it takes

The most helpful thing I learned,                                                                                  

That’s stood me in good stead,                                                                                  

Was early on in clinic                                                                                          

When the health visitor said:

Take on board all our advice                                                                              

And all that we suggest                                                                                        

Then make your own decisions                                                                                                 

And do what you think is best.’

Babies rule! Learn to expect the unexpected.

‘Pram’s in boot

I’d better scoot

Where have I put my keys?’

‘I know well

That awful smell!

No! Not a nappy – please!’    

Babies have a habit of making the most organised of parents late.

Support each other. Have couple time and me time – even if you can only manage it when your child is asleep. Non-essential chores can wait.

Take time to enjoy being with your child. They grow up so fast and you can’t get that time back.

No-one is a perfect parent! Every child is different and we can only do our best. Trying to achieve perfection is exhausting and futile.

You can’t get all of the answers from a book. A parenting manual that fits everyone has yet to be written.

Go to Mum and Baby groups – even if the idea of getting out of the house seems too much of an effort it will be worth it.

Mums and Babies Group

‘My local Mums and Babies group

Helps to keep me sane.

With adult conversation

To stimulate my brain.

When I am feeling anxious

It helps to get me through

To hear that all the other mums

Have fears and worries too.

We talk about our babies

And get stuff off our chest

And reassure each other

We can only do our best.

We have a laugh and giggle

About the week we’ve had

Sharing our experience

The good things and the bad.

By the time our tea is finished

And we’ve put the world to rights

We’re re-energised to face

Another week of sleepless nights.’

Baby Daze is published at £7.99 and is available from The Book Guild, Amazon and all good bookshops.