Woman Code

Woman Code

What can you tell us about your new book Womancode?


WomanCode provides a proven system to naturally eliminate problems with your period, improve your fertility, and get your body, mood, and sex drive back. If there was a secret code that could unlock a better version of your health, you'd want it, of course.  WomanCode reveals it to you!  Hormones affect everything from our moods to weight, to skin, to fertility, to the way we think.  With everything in our modern diet and lifestyle that disrupts our periods, fertility, and sex drive, we must learn how to feed our hormones for optimal health.  Alisa Vitti, will teach you her method to get your hormones to work for you, not against you.

WomanCode presents my healing system for women in their reproductive years who struggle with period issues, fertility concerns, and low energy/low libido.  It discusses the reasons why there is an increasing epidemic of women suffering with endocrine disruption, dives in to the science of hormones, and empowers a woman with any of these conditions to harness her hormones, get the physical results she needs,  and teaches her how to use this new partnership with her body to become a powerful change agent in all areas of her life.


How common is it for women to suffer from menstrual, fertility, energy and libido issues?


Over 40 million women suffer from menstrual disturbances, infertility, low energy and low libido, and hormonal imbalances post partum.  It’s on the rise due to an increase in our exposure to xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptive chemicals.  What’s worse is the common belief that we hold that has us believing that our bodies are meant to cause us suffering monthly and throughout our lives simply because we are women.  It’s a dangerous faleshood and the science shows otherwise.  We need a natural and easy to follow system to help us get back in balance and stay balanced.  WomanCode does that not only by laying out the steps of the protocol used at our center in manhattan, but it also gives women a thorough education on their endocrine system in an approachable way.  It's like having "the talk" but the updated 2.0 version. 


Please tell us about your personal struggle before finding your way out.


Picture me 12 years ago, as I was, 200 pounds, covered face, chest and back in painful cystic acne, depressed, exhausted, and only getting my period twice a year. It was beyond frustrating to progressively be getting worse from the age of 15 and to have no one offer me any explanation as to what was happening to my body.  After 7 years of stubborn weight and miserable symptoms, I discovered that I had a hormonal imbalance called PCOS. The picture my doctor painted for me for my future wasn’t pretty: obesity, diabetes, infertility, heart disease, cancer.  I changed my hormonal destiny and now I help women everywhere do the same.


Within a year of developing my 5 step protocol that’s the basis of WomanCode, my health and life had a complete turnaround.  I lost 60 pounds, my skin cleared, and I have been menstruating monthly for the past 12 years! 


What prevented you from surrendering to the diagnosis you received?


I believe in my ovaries – I believe that my body is brilliant by design and that it functions on a daily basis to stay balanced and vibrant.  I believe that it’s my job to put foods in and take foods out of my diet that promote natural hormonal function.  Finally, like for so many other women, I saw that medication would not cure the root cause of my hormonal problems, and what I wanted was to truly heal, not to simply mask the symptoms temporarily only to have to deal with them at a later time when they had had years to get worse.


You developed a five step protocol to help other women like you, please expand on this for us.


After  experiencing my own hormonal collapse at the age of 21, I realized there needed to be a system to support women who suffer in their reproductive years with menstrual issues, fertility issues,  and other hormonal complications - most of which do not respond well to drugs or surgery.  In my research into functional medicine, reproductive endocrinology, and nutritional genomics I came up with a 5 step protocol to address these issues, restored balance to my own body, and that has allowed me to support these women for the past decade the world over.

Synchronize your Food with your Cycle – Learn to use key foods and lifestyle changes to optimize each of the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle for a symptom free month.  Not only will you experience a “new normal” of feeling good all month, but you will also get estrogen working for you in terms of weight loss.


What is the easiest way to reduce pms?


PMS is a sign of hormonal imbalance and one that the BioCycle study of 2009 (NIH) showed can make us more vulnerable to bigger diseases of inflammation in our post menopausal years.  The good news is that you can eat your way out of PMS! Increase sunflower seeds (for the B6 which helps the luteal phase) and pasture fed organic eggs with the yolk (the yolk contains nutrients that help your body make more progesterone.  PMS is caused by an imbalanced ratio of estrogen and progesterone and most women are estrogen dominant and therefore experience symptoms of PMS right before their menses.



How can pregnancy be eased in your 40s?


So many women are delaying pregnancy until their late 30s and early 40s.  If that’s your path, then it’s important to take dietary measures to preserve your fertility for longer.  Though just 2 generations ago, women were easily conceiving in to their 40s it presents an increasing struggle for women now. The most important nutrients to eat consistently are EFA’s and glutathione.  The first maintains hormonal integrity and the second preserves egg quality.  The WomanCode system provides plenty of this, but my favorite for EFA is avocado (also shown to make IVF more successful) and raw veggie juices which provide you with a rich supply of glutathione.


What steps an we take to reducing pms, anxiety and depression?


When it comes to keeping our moods stable – it’s all about adrenals and digestion – 95% of our serotonin is manufactured in the small intestine!

Eating plenty of B vitamin rich foods heals both the adrenals and provides your body with the building blocks for serotonin production.  Try buckwheat, sweet potatoes and quinoa to feel even keel all month.


What are your top tips for losing weight even after child birth?


For most women weight loss is a hormonal game and excess weight can make hormonal symptoms much worse.  Hormones affect everything.  If you have other hormonal symptoms – like acne, oily hair, dandruff, dry skin, cramps, headaches, irritability, exhaustion, constipation, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, clotting, shedding hair, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, infertility, lowered sex drive, or bizarre food cravings – then weight loss can feel almost impossible.  Your body is not irrational, it’s hormonal, and learning how to harness these hormones to get them working for you is the key to looking and feeling the way you want to!

Getting proper nutrition is the key to weight loss after baby. 



How can you boost your energy and your sex drive with your methods?


One of the best kept sex secrets can be found in your cycle.  Each of the 4 weeks has a distinct hormonal pattern that can help you have the best sex of your life every time!  Just as you intuitively know you can’t exercise the same way each week of the month, you also need to change up your sex routine to match your hormones – let them lead. 



Please tell us about your background.


For the past decade, from my center in Manhattan, I’ve been helping women all over the US with menstrual issues, fertility challenges, and low libido.  I studied biology at Johns Hopkins University and studied integrative nutrition at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.


What is next for you?


My mission is to ensure that ovaries and women everywhere have access to the WomanCode system.  We are developing more technology to make this even more available.


Want more of Alisa’s secret insider hormonal health tips?  Click here:


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