Chris Hemsworth sneaked into the cinema with his children to watch 'Avengers: Endgame'.

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth

The movie star's three kids, daughter India Rose, seven, and five-year-old twin boys Sasha and Tristan - whom he has with wife Elsa Pataky - were desperate to go out and watch what could be their dad's last turn as Thor in the Marvel blockbuster when it was released last month, and so he rocked a hat so they wouldn't get noticed at the cinema.

He told Variety: "My kids were dying to see it. I wasn't going to take them. They were like, 'Dad, we have to go!' We found a small cinema so we wouldn't get overwhelmed.

"I wondered if it would hold their attention for three hours. They loved it... "We already had our seats in the back. I had a hat on. We came into the cinema just when the 'Men in Black' trailer was playing. It was kind of a double hit."

The 35-year-old actor - whose next big role after Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe sees him as part of 'Men in Black: International' - has always been focused on his family.

He even revealed how it was the goal of buying his parents their home that motivated him to get into the industry, although it meant he felt more pressure during his early auditions.

He added: "A big reason I started acting was because I loved film and TV, but it was like we had no money.

"I wanted to pay off their house, initially. That was my sort of thing... I almost put too much pressure on myself. If I hadn't taken it upon myself to take care of my family, I might have been more relaxed."

Meanwhile, Chris admitted he would love the chance to keep being part of the MCU, but he has no idea what the future holds.

He said: "I'd still love to do more, to be honest. And I don't know what the plan is. I feel like we've opened up such a different character.

"I feel more energised for the possibility of where it could go ... But I'll use that in other places and other characters if it's the end here."

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