Giuliana and Bill Rancic

Giuliana and Bill Rancic

Giuliana and Bill Rancic say having another child will be a "major commitment".

While the couple - who welcomed their first child, Duke, 10 months ago - want kids who are close in age, they are taking their time about having another baby because they want to make sure they are ready.

Giuliana told "We've always said that we'd love to have another [child] and we'd love them to be close in age, but it's a major commitment and we want to make sure that our lives, our schedule will allow us to be able to give our kids 110 per cent."

Meanwhile, the reality TV stars revealed they want their son to inherit their love of the great outdoors.

Giuliana said: "We're a very active couple, Bill and I; we love to be outside. We love the sun and being out in nature, so we want Duke to grow up hopefully with that love of nature and being outdoors as well."

Bill added: "I started skiing when I was four, so [Duke's] going to be skiing at a really early age. I'm all about exposing him [to outdoor sports] at an early age. You've got to teach him at an early age and then they don't have any fear. That was the best thing my parents did for me. I was river rafting in Colorado, skiing -- we did it all."