Jennifer Lawrence's biggest fear is that her "private parts" will end up like "wet sponges".

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

The 'Hunger Games' star has opened up about what she is terrified of most and the worry that one day she won't be able to have have a child if the Zika virus, which is spread by mosquitoes and is a mild infection, is used to solve "overpopulation" was high on her list.

She told Vanity Fair magazine: "My biggest irrational - hopefully - fear is that the Zika virus is going to be the solution to overpopulation.

"I don't know if you have ever read the Kurt Vonnegut short story where everyone has to take these pills that make your private parts feel like wet sponges and then nobody can have sex and no one can procreate.

"And so by the time I'm older, and I'm like, 'I think I want to be a mother', they're like, 'You can't. Your private part feels like a sponge."

Meanwhile, the 26-year-old actress says she "works very hard" to keep her life private.

She explained: "You might think you know me, but when you approach me you're a total stranger to me and I'm scared. [I get] very protective of my space. It took me a long time to be able to do that.

"If I'm eating dinner and somebody comes up and a flash goes off from someone's iPhone camera, I am really rude to that person. Then other people at the restaurant will see and be like, 'Oh, damn, I don't want to do that.' Privacy is a full-time job and I work very hard at it."

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