Kanye West mocked himself this weekend during Saturday Night Live's 40th anniversary show.

Kanye West

Kanye West

Striding onto the stage at the Grammy Awards this year to show his unhappiness at Beck winning the Album of the Year prize - mimicking his 2009 interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards - he echoed the antics on the red carpet, attempting to grab the microphone from NBC host Matt Lauer as he closed the coverage ready to link to the main show's broadcast.

Matt said: "Thank you very much for joining us. The 'Saturday Night Live' 40th Anniversary Special begins..."

Then grabbing the microphone, Kanye was shouted at by co-host Savannah Guthrie.

Putting his arm round the rapper, Matt asked "What's happening, man?", before being asked when the show started, to which he replied: "Right now.", pushing Kanye away.

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