Kelly Osbourne credits 'Red Table Talk' for changing her life.

Kelly Osbourne vowed to change after appearing on Red Table Talk

Kelly Osbourne vowed to change after appearing on Red Table Talk

The 37-year-old star - who has struggled with addiction since she was a teenager - revealed in April 2021 she had relapsed in her sobriety and was "not proud" of it, and she has credited her appearance on the Facebook Watch show in June of that year for encouraging her to go back to rehab and now things couldn't be going better for her.

Kelly - who is expecting her first child with boyfriend Sid Wilson - guest hosted the show this week and told regular presenters Jada Pinkett Smith and Adrienne Banfield Norris: "I just want to tell you both, coming on this show the last time helped me in my life so much - it’s going to make me cry — because I got honest because I felt safe.

"And from there, I decided to go back to treatment, and it changed my life in every way. And now all my dreams have come true. So, thank you. I really mean that."

The hosts were shocked by the revelation, and after taking a deep breath, emotional Kelly quipped: "Whoo!!! Sorry, I know I’m really hormonal."

After the pair thanked her for sharing her news, Kelly added: "I don’t know what it is about you ladies but you allow a safe space for someone to come in and just lay it all out.

"And I did that and it was like therapy. It changed everything. Because I was like, ‘I wanna be the person I was on 'Red Table' every day, and I did it."

During her last appearance on the programme, the 'Papa Don't Preach' singer revealed the depth of her struggles and how she "never went to work sober" before rehab, leaving her riddled with insecurity once faced her addiction.

She said: "When I first got sober, I didn't feel like I deserved to be in any room that I was in. And then I gained so much weight, so I thought that everyone was just looking at me like, 'She’s fat and disgusting.'

"People were taking pictures of me and I could see them. 'Look at how fat Kelly Osbourne is now.' So, it’s like, you have to get in touch with vulnerabilities and things that trigger you.

"Like, I never went to work sober. I never went to dinner sober. I didn't do anything sober. Like, nothing sober."

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