Kelly Osbourne has been hit in the face with a soiled diaper.

The Fashion Police panellist confessed she had had a "sh*t day" on Twitter yesterday, sharing the news of her incident with her fans.

Kelly Osbourne

And her day only got worse when she scooped her car keys in a bag of dog poo whilst cleaning up after her bulldog Willy.

She tweeted: "Litarly having the a [s**t} day. First I get hit in the face w/ a used dipper & now I just accidentally bagged my house keys w/ Willy's s**t while walking him.[sic]"

This follows toilet trouble that Kelly had last week, walking in on her crush whilst he was doing the business.

"Trust me to be the girl in a private members club who has had a crush on a guy for years & just walked in on him taking a [poo]!"

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