Kris Jenner says ending ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ is the hardest business decision she’s ever had to make.

Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner

The 65-year-old reality star and her family will be bringing their E! series to an end this year after the final ever season began airing last week, and Kris has now said making the decision to call time on the show was a “really hard and really sad” process.

When asked what the hardest business decision she’s ever made has been, she said: “After 20 seasons of ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’, calling it quits. It was a very hard decision to make, really hard and really sad.”

And speaking about what she’ll miss the most, she added: “Well, I think we’re going to miss our crew. Our crew was with us from day one, season one, episode one … It [was] almost 14 and a half years of filming with the same people … We’re going to really miss them.”

Kris also revealed she misses having “privacy” in her life, as she said doing the show for 14 years has limited her ability to “pick and choose” when she needs privacy.

She explained when asked what’s changed the most in her life since season one of the series: “I think it would have to be privacy, just, you know, you open yourself up and your whole life up to everyone else, and so it becomes something that … you know what you’re getting into, but it definitely limits the ability to pick and choose when you need privacy.”

And the momager admitted she spent much of her early career trying to be a “people pleaser”.

Whilst answering WSJ. Magazine’s ‘The One’ quiz, Kris was asked what the one thing she wishes she’d learned earlier in her career was, and she answered: “I wish I would have learned that it’s OK to say no and you don’t have to be a people pleaser. Because I was always such a people pleaser and wanted everyone to be happy. And sometimes that comes at the expense of what you really want to do if you’re always worried about everyone else.”

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