Louisa Johnson thinks the coronavirus lockdown "saved" her.

Louisa Johnson

Louisa Johnson

The 22-year-old singer - who first found fame on 'The X Factor' - has revealed that being stuck at home amid the health crisis gave her the opportunity to work on herself.

Speaking about her lockdown experience, Louisa shared: "It actually helped my anxiety a little bit, only because I was at home and was just relaxing.

"I didn't need to be anywhere or do anything so I kind of just had the time to myself and really worked on me and I think that really, really helped. I think it was kind of necessary, actually.

"I think lockdown, as weird as it sounds, probably saved me in a lot of ways because as I've said I had that time to myself and I've learned about myself a lot more and things became a lot clearer to me, just in many different ways. I definitely think it helped me.

"Things became clearer and I just got the time to look after myself and focus on myself, workout, eat good, get some routine and some structure, which I think for anybody with anxiety, I think it's really important to have that structure in their lives."

Despite this, Louisa initially found the lockdown experience to be difficult to deal with.

She told MailOnline: "It was a bit of a weird one for everybody because it was just something that we've never been used to before but after a few weeks of feeling absolute rubbish, I just sorted myself out and tried to get a bit of a routine.

"And since then it's been okay, I'm back in the studio now which is so much better because I can go places and do things and be back in work mode that I have missed.

"It's nice to have a routine, I do find it hard not having a routine so back into it finally."

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