Meghan Trainor used to hide behind bulky clothing because she was so insecure.

Meghan Trainor

Meghan Trainor

The 22-year-old singer would even cover up in thick sweatshirts in sweltering heat because she hated the thought of people seeing her body, in particular her arms.

She said: "I - every day - wore sweatshirts and sweatpants to cover up my body because I was so insecure.

"And it would be summer. And I would go on vacation and I'd be in Trinidad and Tobago, 90-degree weather, and I'd be wearing sweatshirts.

"I didn't want to show my arms. I didn't want to show anything, and I was just so insecure and uncomfortable.

"I thought, like, 'All right, if I'm fully covered - I'm good. And that's not what I should have been feeling.' "

These days, Meghan is proud of the letters she receives from her fans who tell her how her track 'All About That Bass' helped with their own confidence and body image issues, and they inspire her to be a role model.

She told 'CBS Sunday Morning: "I get messages all the time, 'I hated myself, I didn't want to go to school. I was so uncomfortable, and now I love myself. And I was in a really dark place until your song came out.'

"And I was like, 'Whoa, man, we've got to do more of these. We've got to do more of these songs.' "

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