Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger sleeps with her make-up on.

Nicole Scherzinger has claimed she is a "tomboy" and admitted to sleeping with her make-up on, insisting the key to looking fresh is actually in what she drinks.

She told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "The secret is simple girls, you need to ditch the fizzy drinks. Plus, it has a lot to do with my heritage.

"I hate to say it but I usually go to bed without my make-up on. I am like to tomboy in that way. But I drink only water.

"I have never had a carbonated beverage - well, I supposed a beer, but Coke or 7up I have never had that. Just water really, lots and lots of water."

The singer also admitted she found it tough getting used to life in the UK after joining the British version of 'The X Factor' as a judge last year - but having her family with her this time round has made it easier.

She said: "Last year I didn't know what I was getting myself into and when i get nervous I just throw everything into my work.

"I didn't have anyone visit. This year I had my friends and family come.

"So for the first time I have walked out in London ... It is just nice to take in the culture and take in the history ... I also went to my first fish and chip shop."

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