Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards has admitted to always trying to look her best for when she Skypes Zayn Malik.

The Little Mix star, who recently got engaged to the One Direction heartthrob use Skype to stay in touch when they are split due to their gruelling tour schedules.

But before she logs on to her lover, Perrie makes sure she "looks flawless" and puts on make-up and adjusts the lighting in her room.

She told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Do you know what, I do have to make an effort with make-up when I'm talking to Zayn on Skype.

"It makes you feel better. But you only have to put a bit on and it looks really good.

"I try to find some good lighting too. Sometimes I tip the lamp so it looks like I appear airbrushed and I'm like, 'Oh, I've just woken up', but really I haven't! But I look flawless because of the make-up. Or I go to a window for some natural light sometimes... that's the best."

Zayn and Perrie, both 20, are reportedly planning to wed in June 2014 and although the blonde beauty hasn't began to plan the big day her Little Mix bandmates - Jade Thirlwall, 20, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, 21, and 22-year-old Jesy Nelson - are in the running to be bridesmaids.

She explained: "I haven't started making any decisions yet wedding-wise. But I'm excited to start planning it all. I can't wait.

She jokingly added: "Little Mix aren't bridesmaids material ... I'm joking! Imagine if I didn't have them? I wouldn't take one off to the side and say, 'Oh you've made the cut,' and then say to the other two, 'Sorry guys.' It's all or nothing with these girls."

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