Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall prayed with Ukrainian refugees in Canada on Wednesday (18.05.22).

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, are in Canada

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, are in Canada

The royal couple are on a three-day tour of the country and on their second day, they joined the Ukrainian-Canadian community at the Blessed Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa, where they heard special thanks for the assistance of the British in the war against Russia, and a particular message of gratitude for the royal family.

They also met with people who had fled the conflict.

The Very Reverend Volodymyr Kouchnir told them: "Today, your country is truly a friend to Ukraine.

"Having extended a helping hand to our military but also as fellow citizens of our planet.

"We shall never, never, never forget that.

"We are sincerely grateful to the Royal Family, to Her Majesty, and to you personally for your help and support for Ukraine which today is fighting for democratic values and the chance to live as part of the European family.

"God grant you many, many blessed years."

Charles appeared moved when he was told how the funeral of his father, Prince Philip, had bestowed "great honour" on the Orthodox church.

Dr. Jennie Dutchak, 85, told the prince she had cried when she heard the Russian Kontakion of the Departed, translated by William John Birkbeck, played at the service last year.

She added: "I thank you personally. May his soul rest in peace."

The 73-year-old royal held her arm and thanked her for words.

Speaking afterwards, Jennie said: "A year ago, at his funeral, his father chose a special hymn.

"Our choir sing it here and it moved me to tears to have a choir sing it at a royal funeral. It was jubilation.

"It is a great honour for every Orthodox Christian that he recognised its sacred beauty. We are all proud."

Elsewhere on their visit to Ottowa, Charles and Camilla enjoyed a display of the Musical Ride of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in their distinctive red uniforms, and visited a local food market.

Maple producer Rupert Hupe showed the couple his bottles of syrups and maple sweets.

Charles said: “It’s great stuff, great stuff. It’s good for you”.

The pair also met with "newcomer" families - refugees who have been welcomed to the region - at a local school.

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