Steve Carell

Steve Carell

Steve Carell believes his character Gru from 'Despicable Me 2' has made him a "cool dad".

The comic actor has two children - Elizabeth, 12, and John, nine, with his wife Nancy Walls - and he has revealed they love the voice he uses to portray Gru in the animated movie and always ask him to speak like the character when their friends visit.

Talking on UK TV show 'This Morning', he said: "It's kind of a cool dad thing - when they have friends over and they say, 'Dad, do the voice' ... it's a very easy way to impress my kids' friends."

The Hollywood star also shared how trying to be "cool" and talking to his children about things that interest them definitely would make him "not cool".

He said: "As soon as you start to try to converse with them about music they like or dance the way they're dancing you are immediately not cool at all!"

While his kids have seen him in films like 'Despicable Me' and 'Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy', which "they loved" there are a number of more mature productions which he is not sure they are ready to view.

He explained: "They saw it ['Anchorman'] a couple of months ago and they loved it! But it's hard to decipher when they are ready to view something of a more adult nature - so we might wait for some of the other things."

Although he was careful not to give too much away about the 'Anchorman' sequel, Steve admitted: "When we filmed the teaser, we had no idea what the movie would be about ... but there wasn't pressure at all [for the second film] because it was just a group of friends getting together and exactly the same at the first one - in a sense that we all got together and made each other laugh for two months!"

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