Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott always check to see if they've been mentioned on TV.

The couple - who have kids Liam, six, Stella, four, Hattie, 20 months and Finn Davey, nine months - often search their own names on their DVR [Digital Video Recorder] to see if they are being talked about or featured on "news shows" but it usually picks up Tori's former show 'Beverly Hills 90210'.

Tori told Vulture: "The funny thing is, on DVR, my husband and I put our names in because we want to pick up any news shows we do and everything. And it picks up all my '90210' episodes, so we always have to delete them."

Tori also revealed her children have no idea she used to play Donna Martin on the show and don't recognise her when she shows them pictures of herself in character.

She said: "One time I was watching it and Liam and Stella [her children] were there, and I was going to switch the channel, and then I was like, You know what? I want them to see me. And so I came on and I was like, "Guys, do you know who that is?" And they were like, "No, who's that?" I will show them pictures and be like, "Who's that? Is that Mommy?" And they're like, "No." If I show them pictures of anything Donna Martin, they have no idea. I don't think I look that different. I mean, I know I'm older. But they can't recognise me at all. It's devastating."