Will Young has ended several friendships since he turned 40 for the sake of his own happiness.

Will Young

Will Young

The 'My Love' singer made the decision to remove certain people from his life when he reached the landmark age and he treated the end of those platonic relationships in a similar way to how he would break-up with a boyfriend, and is adamant it is a much nicer way to do the deed

Appearing on 'Loose Women', he said: "I have ended friendships. I have actually ended friendships face-to-face, I owe them that. It was actually very beautiful and loving. It was very hard to do, but I'm actually really pleased I did it."

Will has just made his return to the music scene with his seventh studio LP 'Lexicon' after taking some time out to have therapy and focus on his mental health and wellbeing.

The former 'Pop Idol' winner feels much better for his hiatus from the pop world and he now knows how he needs to work to stay healthy going forward.

He shared: "Everyone knows when a pop star says, 'I'm not going to sing again', two years down the line ... I'm guilty of the comeback album. I was overworked. Now I've worked out how to do in a way that makes me happy. I do a four-day week. I chose to write less of the music this time. I would find the writing quite stressful, which of course meant that my writing was better because I wasn't feeling so stressed. It kind of proved my point to myself. The more relaxed I was, the more fun I was having, the better the output."

Will has urged everyone to try therapy if they feel as though their mental health is suffering and he insists people need to realise they need to take care of their minds in the same way they ensure their bodies are healthy.

He said: "I've always had therapy. I think therapy is the same as if you've got something wrong with your body go and see a physiotherapist ... if you've got something you're not sure about going on in your mind, or in your life actually... it's not just in the mind. Life coaches, lots of people need to speak to people about work. We spend a lot of time at work, eight hours at least a day, that's a huge chunk of our life we need to speak to people about it. Be it HR or someone the business provides, or a therapist or a friend or a loved one ... a mixture of all of them for guidance."

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