Zayn Malik is reportedly "sick" of constantly being in the public eye and is "uncomfortable" with fame.

One Direction singer Malik has worried fans after missing some public appearances and appearing tired and gaunt, and both his bandmates and fiancee Perrie Edwards reportedly share the concerns of his loyal supporters.

Zayn Malik is "sick" of life in the spotlight.

A source said: "Zayn is stressed out and sick of his life being in the spotlight. He isn't sleeping well and seems exhausted...

"They are about to go on another world tour and Perrie is worried about how he will cope. She has asked the other boys to keep an eye on him. They are concerned for him too and regularly let him know they are there to talk should he need them."

The 'Steal My Girl' singer is said to be finding the group's constant touring schedule particularly tough because it means being away from his loved ones for long periods of time.

The source added to Britain's Grazia magazine: "Zayn has always been uncomfortable with the whole fame thing, whereas the others seem to take it in their stride.

"He's started to feel really jaded by the endless travel and attention...

"What he finds especially hard is being away from Perrie. He is a family person and wants to spend time with her. But it is really hard when you're in the biggest band in the world."

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