Mica Paris

Mica Paris

Mica Paris is no ordinary lady. Oh no, she's a musician, a style starlet, a presenter and a beauty panelist for none other than Gok Wan himself.

Yep it's pretty safe to say that Mica has done it all, except chat to us that is, but luckily she's hear to rectify that, as we cosy up for a chat about her new album, her infatuation with James Morrison and just why she's on the hunt for her dream home...

Hi Mica!
Hiya hunny, sorry I missed you before, I was in another interview. [FF: It's fine, not to worry. So what have you been up to recently?]

Oh well I just finished my first album in 10 years and it's taken me two years to get it right and I think I've cracked it. I just can't believe it's taken me 21 years to get the shit right again though, but it has and it's my fave album I think.

Excellent, what kind of sound have you gone for then?
I've just gone for a really great song and went in raw with really original sounds, and organically went in and started writing. It took two years and I threw a lot of things away and in the two years I've just come up with the best of all the stuff we've had, and I can't believe the album.

You know when I first got the album back after recording everything and I listened to it, I'd just come back from Dubai and heard the record and I just started crying, it just blew me away I couldn't believe how it just killed me. It was just such an amazing feeling, I don't know why, it's just because I'd worked on it for so long and wanted it to be great and I was so nervous. You know I went away and went to work for a few weeks, listened to it and I just couldn't believe how good it was. I'm in a bit of shock really, I'm like "Jesus, it's really good!"

Is there a standout track on the album?
Well, actually there are like seven! There are six potential singles on there and it's just...well, you just have to hear it really! [FF: Is it quite souly, or what?] It's just great songs, obviously my voice is very soulful I come from the church, so my voice is always going to be quite gospel sounding, but the music is a sort of soul. The first single was written by James Morrison. [FF: Wow, did you get to work with him at all?] Yeah, and he came in the studio and he wrote me this song, it's called 'Baby Come Back Now', that's the first single, and this guy, I mean he's such a talent anyway, he's just bloody amazing, lovely guy! The song reminds me of Nutbush by Tina Turner, do you know it? [FF: (sheepishly) I don't, sorry!] It's an old tune... (Mica starts singing to me)... It sounds like The Good Thing, you remember that? [FF: really sorry, but no!] You don't remember that either?! oh man, don't worry but it's a bit rock, but then it's not rock, it's soulful. I dunno, you just need to hear it!

Estelle recently said that she got into music because of you, and Rihanna personally gave you a track, how does that feel to be admired by all these young artists?
It's great, I can't tell you. It's absolutely phenomenal. The fact that this year I've had like 21 years in the industry and I started so young, and my first hit was when I was 17, and just to have these girls grow up with you is an honour. It's beautiful and what can you say? it's just like wow!

You've had quite a varied career, how did you get into presenting and more specifically What Not Wear?
Well, what happened with that Lisa, one of my oldest friends put me forward for it. I've always been a person who helps a person dress, I've always done that. I've always been bossy too, you know "What are you wearing that for?! come on sort it out!" kind of thing. I'm a girl's girl like that, if I'm with my girls I always want them to look their best.

So Lisa was like "you'd be great for this show", and I said "No Lisa, you go for the show and tell you know a lot about clothes" and she called me up from the casting and actually told the producer about me! So, I was doing the Radio 2 show at the time and I was really into the radio thing, it was wicked, but the producer was right there, so I had no choice but to speak to him and they just went nuts and really wanted me for the show, and that's it!

Did you feel like you and Lisa had to give your own unique twist on the programme, as opposed to following the Trinny & Susannah formula?
No, the funny thing with me is I'm just not that kind of person, I always do things for myself, but the really odd thing was I'd never even seen the show before, I'm not very good with TV and I don't really watch a lot, but I knew who they were because I'd seen them in press and stuff. But in a way I think it's good that I didn't see the show because I could put my own stamp on it.

The fact is I'm not a posh girl, I'm from South London, so at the end of the day I just didn't want to do it in the way they did it, but that's not to say that their way is not great, it's just that my take on it would always be more street. So I kind of just went in there and was like "I've just got to be me" and Lisa and I have a chemistry because we've been mates for years and we're always going to be ourselves, we were just like we always were, with the only difference being that there was a camera on us!

How was it working with Gok on Miss Naked Beauty?
Aww it was wicked, I love Gok! He's awesome and so amazing! the guy is so down to earth, he's so not affected by the fame and everything. You know, he loves women and I love Gok, we just did our first show and he was right at the front shouting "Mica!" he's just lovely, and such a supporter. Love him!

I hear you've been house hunting with Gaby Roslin, how was that?
Yeah, it was wicked. They asked me where I loved and I told them Italy is one of my favourite places and I took them down to Italy, which is stunning and it was wicked baby. It was awesome. [FF: What's the programme about then?] Well, it's basically them finding the ideal home for you, in an area and they find the best places that you are looking for.

Did you find your dream house then?
Yes, I found my dream apartment. Gorgeous!

Well, thanks for talking to me Mica, have a nice afternoon in the sun!
No worries, you too babe, take care.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

Celebrity Fantasy Homes starts Thursday 30th April at 9pm exclusively on Home.




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