Don't leave the Christmas party with an infection

Don't leave the Christmas party with an infection

The office parties are certain to be setting in, as well as planning hotel stay-overs, what to wear and everything else that goes along with it, there's also the possibility of the festive office romance.

Lloydspharmacy is warning workers who may have their sights set on this to hold back - or at least take adequate precautions - or else risk getting a potentially unwelcome Christmas bonus: a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

A Lloydspharmacy survey found that 15 per cent of people who didn’t use condoms claim they were too drunk to remember to do so. With an additional 38 per cent insisting they were “caught up in the heat of the moment”, the office party is a hot-bed of sexual danger.  And, with over half of people admitting to having never having been tested for STIs, the UK may be heading for a surge in STIs during the alcohol-fuelled festive season.

For those planning on partying in Norwich and Plymouth - watch out. Both cities ranked equally as potentially the most dangerous cities in the UK to have an office fling – with a shocking 79 per cent of people admitting they have never been tested for STIs.

Overall, almost a third of those polled were aware of the potential consequences of having unprotected sex but went ahead anyway. This worryingly relaxed approach to catching STIs is particularly concerning given that chlamydia, for example, can lead to infertility in both sexes if left untreated. In 2011 over one in ten of Lloydspharmacy customers who requested an STI test aged between 18 and 35 years tested positive.

Dr Thom Van Every, sexual health expert at Lloydspharmacy Online Doctor said:  “The Christmas bash may seem like the ideal opportunity to let your hair down and indulge in some harmless fun with a colleague, but there can be really serious consequences. It’s well documented that increased alcohol intake can result in more risky sexual behaviour – and that might result in you getting an STI if you don’t take adequate precautions. 

“We all do things we wish we hadn’t sometimes, but when it comes to your sexual health it’s vital to take personal responsibility. Don’t be fooled – having no symptoms doesn’t always mean you haven’t got a problem downstairs; if you’re having unprotected sex, you should get tested. If you’re embarrassed about visiting a clinic and talking about intimate problems face-to-face, our discreet online service means you don’t have to and it’s also a good solution if you’re strapped for time.”

So, don't forget to invest in some safety before you head out on the Christmas do.

Tesco have launched their own range of condoms and lubricants, Sequre. The top-quality condoms are amongst the cheapest available, costing £1.50 for a pack of three and £6 for a pack of 12 - only 50p per condom.

Sequre includes five types of condoms and three different lubricants offering a variety of choices to suit all tastes: regular, extra safe, sensitive, flavoured and ribs & dots are all on offer exclusively in Tesco.

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