Avengers Assemble DVD

Avengers Assemble DVD

Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L.Jackson, Tom Hiddleston

Director: Joss Whedon

Rating: 5/5

Avengers Assemble is the biggest grossing movie of the year and has gone on to become the third biggest grossing movie of all time behind Avatar and Titanic.

Bringing together a whole host of Marvel characters in one movie was always going to be tricky, some would argue almost impossible, task but director Joss Whedon has pulled it off to produce the best Marvel movie of all time!!!

I will happily admit that I loved this from start to finish as it was everything that I had hoped for and more.

It looks, great, the characters are fantastic, not to mention it is laugh out loud funny throughout.

Joss Whedon has played a fine balancing game to perfection as he has created a movie that is huge in terms of scale but very intimate when it comes to the characters.

And this is a true ensemble cast were everyone gets an share of the spotlight and the story. Each character is on a very personal mission and have their own reasons to want to help.

Robert Downey Jr is on top form as the egotistical Tony Stark and he delivers some truly sparkling and witty dialogue as only he can - you have to wonder if it is written for him or he just makes it up as he goes along.

The Iron Man suit has been given a bit of an upgrade and while he is the leader of the Avengers Downey Jr is by no means the star.

As well as battling evil Steve Rogers aka Captain America is trying to find a new place in the world. Evans is pitch perfect as the solider who is still trying to do his job despite the difficulties facing him.

Thor is another character who is torn; he finds himself caught between the oath of protection he made to the Earth as well as his loyalty and desire to save his brother (Loki).

We really get a proper look at Black Widow with hints to a very dark and yet intriguing past. Scarlett Johansson is just as kick ass as the rest of the cast and her hand to hand combat scene with Hawkeye is one of the best action moments of the whole film.

But the star that shines the brightest in this movie is Mark Ruffalo as we see him as The Hulk for the very first time. He is a character who has clearly come a long way since we saw him last and is attmepting to come to terms with who and what he is.

Ruffalo brings a real charm, charisma and strength to the role of Bruce Banner that we have never seen in this character before. Motion capture has been used so Ruffalo could really play the Hulk and you can see aspects of the actor come through into the big green rage machine and that works wonderfully.

The fighting between themselves is just as entertaining as the fight against the enemy but Whedon seamlessly brings them all together and there is a real sense of camaraderie.

Tom Hiddleston's character of Loki is another character who undergone a transformation into a true villain. Gone are the days of his loyalty to Asgard and his family and in it's place is an anger filled, power hungry man.

To say that the final battle looks amazing is a bit of an understatement as the CGI is simply perfect as New York City finds itself under attack.

Avengers Assemble works because of three main reasons: 1. The script: it's fast and it is witty - really the dialogue between the characters is just fantastic.

2. The characters: they are fleshed out and whole, they really do have a very human feel to them. Whedon hasn't lost sight of who they are and what they represent in favour of a CGI spectacle.

3. Humour. Believe me when I say that this movie has just as many laughs as it has action sequences; The Hulk and Thor and The Hulk and Loki being two particular highlights.

Avengers Assemble is nothing short of a triumph and it is two and a half hours of superhero heaven.

From a DVD persepctive the extras are pretty poor but the Blu-Ray is packed with extra scenes and behind the scenes featurettes.

Avengers Assemble is out now

Click here to buy Avengers Assemble on DVD

Click here to buy Avengers Assemble on Blu-Ray

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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