Christina Applegate has been through breast cancer

Christina Applegate has been through breast cancer

Christina Applegate has reached out to U.S. TV presenter Giuliana Rancic after she revealed she is battling the disease.

Rancic, 36, announced on Monday that doctors diagnosed her with the condition after she sought their advice over her fertility struggles.

Applegate, who underwent a double mastectomy to treat breast cancer in 2008, has now offered her support to Rancic, telling E! News: "I'm here for her."

The actress adds: "I know that journey so well, how that feels (to get) that phone call. I get what's she's going through."

The TV presenter found the tumour after being checked before her thrid attempt at IVF with husband Bill Rancic. 

Since the news broke there have been floods of stars reaching out to support her, including Kelly Osbourne, who Rancic works with on Fashion Police. 

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