Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal's promotional duties for his latest film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time were almost wrecked when he was struck down with a bout of food poisoning last week (ends23May10).
The actor is currently touring the world promoting the movie, which opens later this month (May10).
But he was forced to scrap a handful of commitments for two days last week (ends21May10) after bad sushi left him feeling sick.
He says, "I knew right before I ate the piece of sushi that it was going to make me sick. And it did.

"So if I could, I would go back to before I ate that - because the two days that ensued after that moment were really, really unpleasant and I would turn back time for that."

With The Prince of Persia the actor steps into the big budget blockbuster for the first time in his career as he stars alongside Gemma Arterton and Ben Kingsley.

But the movie has struggled at the UK box office and was beaten comfortably into second spot by StreetDance 3D.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Tiem is out now.

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