Actress Jessica Alba spent half a year learning to play the violin so she would be convincing as a blind soloist in upcoming horror movie The EYE.The 26-year-old had no classical music knowledge before she signed up to star in the remake, and struggled to learn how to play the violin like a master. She says, "I don't know much, or anything really, about classical music - unfortunately - and I had to learn in six months to play Beethoven and Mozart. "It was so hard, I practiced for hours."The actress, often labelled as one of the world's sexist women. She started out with a TV career, staring in Dark Angel, but it was axed after 2 series, before moving into movies. Despite being nominated as Worst Actress for both Fantastic Role and Into the Blue in 2005 at the Razzie Awards she landed the role of Nancy Callahan in Robert Rodriguez's Sin City, an adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel, a role she is set to reprise next year. This summer will also see her return as Sue Storm in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

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